Universities in USA with Guaranteed International Student Housing

Universities in USA with Guaranteed International Student Housing

Cost of living and affordability is a concern for most international students. This spring, the IDP Emerging Futures 3 student survey connected with over 21,000 future and current international students from 108 countries to gauge their feelings around studying abroad. Among other findings, the survey noted that 39% of students weren’t confident in their financial ability to study abroad. Access to attainable international student housing is a big piece of that puzzle.

Read on to learn which institutions offer this benefit, and why on-campus housing can be a great idea for students just arriving in a new country.

Who is Eligible for Campus Student Housing?

The short answer? It depends. 

Some colleges and universities guarantee:

  • On-campus student housing spots to all international students
  • On-campus student housing to first-year students, no matter if they’re from the United States or other countries around the world. 

On the other hand, some colleges and universities offer housing on a first-come, first-served basis (so, apply quickly). Other campuses don’t offer on-campus housing at all. When considering where to study, it’s worth looking into what your housing options are, and how you’d like to live during your time as an international student. 

Which American Institutions Offer International Student Housing?

Below, we’ll look at some of our partner institutions that offer on-campus international student housing. These are just a few of the options out there, so carefully check the housing pages on your target institutions’ websites to find out if they offer accommodations, too!

Johns Hopkins University

This prestigious university actually requires all undergraduate students to live in the Homewood campus for the first two years of their program. Johns Hopkins University has six different housing locations, ranging from suites to single rooms. Living on-campus can help you build your new community, get to classes easily, and get to know Baltimore beyond the JHU campus, as well. 

In students’ third and fourth years, the JHU Office of Off-Campus Housing shares resources for finding off-campus housing. The university notes that most third- and fourth-year students find housing within a three-block radius of the university, so you likely won’t have to travel far.

Arizona State University

The University Housing department at Arizona State University guarantees a housing space for each first-year undergraduate student. Happily, that means if you’re a future ASU Sun Devil, you’ll get different housing options presented to you based on which campus and major (program) you’ve selected. We recommend acting fast to make sure you get your top living and dining picks! 

Also, all first-year ASU students must purchase a meal plan, so make room for it in your budget. It can feel expensive up-front, but will be helpful during busy exam times to have cooking taken care of.

University of New Mexico

Freshman residency is required for first-year students at the University of New Mexico. UNM has done multiple studies that found living on-campus in your first year can boost your odds of academic success. Plus, students living on-campus are more likely to finish their program faster.

So, unless you have an exception, a space will be saved for you at one of the nine main campus UNM Residence Halls.

University of California – Irvine

If you’re California dreaming for your undergraduate degree, University of California – Irvine guarantees that first-year students enrolling for the fall semester are eligible for two years of campus housing. Their housing deadline (at least in 2023) was in early May, so make sure to meet it! To be eligible for campus housing in the second year of your degree, you must live on campus for your entire first year. 

Looking for a unique living experience? Some UCI housing communities are themed. What does that mean? Essentially, you can choose to live with and near peers that share your identity or interests. Some themes tie into careers and passions, from gaming to performing arts, or outdoor adventure to global sustainability. Other houses celebrate and unite members of different communities. Perhaps you’ll join Spectrum House as part of the LGBT community. Or, become part of La Casa Nuestra, where students boost their Spanish-speaking skills while celebrating Hispanic culture.

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