How to write SOP: Importance, Tips, and Format

How to write SOP: Importance, Tips, and Format

You may have heard about SOPs (Statement of Purpose) when it comes to studying abroad. Universities overseas ask students to submit an SOP that articulates your goals and career. By submitting this they are able to 

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

The statement of purpose (SOP), also called a research statement or a letter of intent, is written to the admission panel and discusses your career path, interests, professional contributions, goals and the reasons you are seeking admission to a particular program. In most cases, it is an essay, but certain universities may also have a question-and-answer format. The most crucial element of your application is the one that determines whether or not you will be admitted to your preferred institution.

Why is the Statement of Purpose important?

Your Statement of Purpose (SOP) is the decision maker for your application. Your vision of life, your career goals, beliefs, and subject knowledge will be assessed by the admission committee. Your SOP presents your personality to universities in a clear and concise manner. You will have a chance to pitch your purpose to the committee and explain to them why you should be chosen over other applicants. If you have a weak academic profile, a good SOP will compensate by highlighting your future goals and ambitions. Well-written SOPs also demonstrate your ability to express your thoughts effectively through written communication.

What to include in your Statement of Purpose?

There are numerous key points that are important for SOP. here is the list given below:

  • Academic details
  • Professional experience
  • Financial background
  • Personal background
  • Immediate and long-term goals
  • Papers submitted, if any
  • Published works, if any
  • About extra-curricular activities
  • Interests, Hobbies
  • Reasons why you wish to study at this particular institution
  • Reasons of being interested in the chosen field

What not to include in an SOP?

It is not uncommon for universities to reject a long statement of purpose. Even the best SOP would be rejected if you cannot find one grammatical error. Too much unnecessary information is the primary reason for rejection. In other words, just because you might want to talk about your family doesn’t mean you talk about your family all the time. SOPs should be brag sheets, but it should be brag sheets that contain substance. Choose your items carefully. Consider what accomplishments are most relevant to your candidacy and pick a theme.

How do you write a good Statement of Purpose?

Here are the three major steps you need to keep in mind when writing your SOP

1. Make a format

Work on your SOP based on the outline you created. In your introduction, share an anecdote that sparked your interest in your subject. Create pointers and categories, list your relevant accomplishments and expertise, and most importantly, let them know why you chose the course and university.

2. Revise your draft

You should emphasize sharing your knowledge and learnings from your education and industry experience. Don’t use technical terms in your SOP and use active voice. Be positive when dealing with gap years or academic issues. Create an introduction and conclusion for your SOP. Your SOP should follow a reverse chronological order.

3. Do multiple revisions before you send

The importance of checking your work cannot be overstated. By re-analyzing, you’ll be able to correct the flow, vocabulary, sentence creation errors, long sentences, and grammar issues. Consult your professor, senior, or an IDP counselor for a second opinion. Do not forget to proof-read before your final submission. 
We have professional and highly skilled Unicoach SOP mentors that guide students to secure admission in top Ivy league institutes. For more details contact your Unicoach today at